Save Time and Money with In-Stock, PMA Replacement Parts
When it comes to life limited components for compressed gas equipment, no one has more options for more aircraft. Compressed Gas Systems stocks the most common aircraft oxygen cylinders and fire bottle cartridges (squibs) for all aircraft types. We add aircraft eligibility constantly and work diligently to find the lowest cost options for our customers.
We are an authorized distributor for N23D services FAA-PMA oxygen and pneumatic cylinders and components. We have worked diligently with them to offer the most aircraft eligibility and the absolute, lowest cost. All this with added safety features and testing that exceed OEM design requirements and offer an unparalleled 6-year factory warranty!
Compressed Gas Systems is also pleased to offer Mass Systems FAA-PMA fire bottle squibs (cartridges) and repair parts. Most items are in stock, ready to ship, and at prices low as ¼ of the OEM! No more waiting for OEM lead times and exorbitant costs. Even shipping is more economical. Our squibs ship as hazard class 1.4S which allows for freight by Passenger and Cargo aircraft. Most OEM products fall into hazard class 1.4C, which must ship Cargo Aircraft Only (CAO) and sometimes require expensive shipping containers or packaging. Overall, this means substantial freight savings, more carrier options, and less missed flights. Our customers save time and money on every level.
Of course, we have great options for OEM parts, as well. We are happy to work with you to develop a repair program using OEM, PMA, or even DER repairs for your fleet.