There’s No “Shoulder” in the Sky

There’s nothing as critical as life safety equipment on an aircraft. When the unthinkable happens, training and instinct take over, nerves rattle, and safety systems must operate.  After 70 years, CGS is still the trusted source for putting out a fire in the cabin, engine, APU, or cargo hold.  We have never lost an aircraft with a CGS fire bottle installed, and yours won’t be the first, for a reason:

CGS adheres to the strictest quality standards in our industry.  We go beyond FAA and EASA protocol and envelop National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Compressed Gas Association (CGA), Department of Transportation (DOT), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards when servicing your fire extinguisher or fire bottle.

Our technicians have been trained by the best in the industry and utilize OEM tooling and industry-leading equipment to ensure the highest quality product.

We have the personnel, knowledge, materials, and equipment to meet our requirements for safety and your expectations of time and cost.  Let us prove it to you.